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Reservoir - Visitor Numbers
Mar - 7572 Apr - 8549

Shops Area

A few people have contacted me about what is happening with the shop.  The first thing I'd like to clarify is the whole row of shops is privately owned and nothing to do with any council.  I've spoken with the owners who just a few days ago advised me a new shop will be going there.   I dont know if it will be the same size as the "old" shop or whether it will be bigger but I'm told something like a grocery shop will be opening in the next few months.  I don't know what is happening to the other shops at present but when I know I'll advise you all.


Road Surface - Ridgeway

I've reported this road on several occasions and having chased again this is the reply I had back from highways.

"Good morning Cllr Morgan,

This road is included as one of the higher priority sections for the Llanelli area on the resurfacing program, however the program itself is part of a county wide list. The program is assessed and ranked based on a number of factors such as classification of road, traffic volumes, surface condition, defects recorded etc. The county program for 2024-25 is being finalised as we speak although against the budget allocated and I will know a bit more in the coming weeks. I have discussed this section with the highway inspector this morning and if it is not included for a full resurface then we will carryout permanent patching repair work which will greatly improve the surface. In the meantime, any potholes identified will be filled to make safe and I will update you further once I information on the surfacing program."

Ridgeway Road Surface - April 2024.jpg

School Reception

Swiss Valley school will have a new reception area for the start of the 24/25 school year in September.  Parents will already have seen new green fencing appear to make the path into the school more secure.  This six figure investment is welcome and we will be excited to see it finished.

ENTRANCE - April 2024.jpeg

Car Park - Community Centre

Bollards have been placed at the community centre car park to prevent cars parking there long term.  Several cars had notices placed on them and new signs were erected to try to improve the situation but when that failed the volunteer committee reluctantly acted.  These cars were preventing patrons/classes of the community centre parking their cars there.  The car park is private and despite us all using it, it has never been a  public car park and the Community Centre volunteer committee have acted to allow its patrons to park securely when using its facilities.

BOLLARDS - April 2024.jpeg

National Forest of Wales

Our reservoir has been identified as being an area which may well lend itself to becoming part of the new national forest of Wales initiative.  We are currently in discussions with Welsh Water, Natural Resources Wales and Llanelli Rural Council on this matter.  Its very exciting but early days yet.

Pump House.jpg

Planning Application PL/06834






On 5-2-24 we got notification that this application has been determined by Carmarthenshire County Council and refused.  The applicant is proceeding with an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate of the Welsh Assembly Government.  Please contact your Welsh parliament members to raise any concerns you may have.

Llanelli Constituency

Lee Waters (Labour)
Tel: 0300 200 7100

Cefin Campbell (Plaid Cymru)

Tel: 01267 493 126

E-mail: Cefin.Campbell@Senedd.Wales

Can I thank everyone who attended the public meeting on Friday 1st December.  We all had an opportunity to have our say.  Many well reasoned objections were submitted and the desired outcome of that meeting was arrived at.



Reservoir Visitor Information


Llanelli Rural Council has a great website detailing what is going on in the reservoir.  Their site is well worth a visit.

Lower Lliedi Reservoir, Swiss Valley | Llanelli Rural Council : Llanelli Rural Council (

Please visit Carmarthenshire County councils website below and take a video tour of our fantastic reservoir:


Community Centre Hire


To hire Swiss Valley Community Centre please contact the booking secretary on 01554 784854

Address: Swiss Valley Community Hall, Heol Nant, Swiss Valley, Llanelli, SA14 8EH.

Hire cost of hall: £9 per hour. £40 for Parties (3 hours)

Further information can be found on Llanelli Rural Council's website:

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